As we turn our ears and hearts attentively, we begin to learn obedience. Tuning your ears to hear and obey God's commands. Hearing God's word using our ears as pathways to all our thoughts. The ear must be guarded cautiously. Jesus said to take care of what you listen to that it may be well with you.
Mark 4:23-24 " If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear." And He was saying to them, "Take care what you listen to."
Deuteronomy 6:3 "O Israel, you should listen and be careful to do it, that it may be well with you and that you may multiply greatly, just as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey."
As we incline our hearts and extend them purposefully in the direction of our Lord, He becomes the center of who we are.
Proverbs 3:3 'Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.'
Proverbs 21 " The King's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes. Every man's way is right in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the hearts."
Psalm 119: 35-36 "Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it. Incline my heart to Your testimonies And not to dishonest gain."
Joshua 24:23 "Now therefore, put away the foreign gods which are in your midst, and incline your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel."
I Kings 8: 57-58 "May the Lord our God be with us, as He was with our fathers; may He not leave us or forsake us, that He may incline our hearts to Himself, to walk in all His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His ordinances, which He commanded our fathers."
God help me to stretch out my entire being to You and Your word . Help me put away the foreign gods in my midst. Help me incline my heart to You O Lord, the God of Israel - The One who spoke the universe into existence. Give me the strength, courage, and conviction to obey your commands. Lord, help me to function wisely and successfully in Your world. Guide me in knowing who I am, what I value, and who I listen to. Hold my hand Jesus as I grow in awe of you. Thank you. I love you. Amen