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Writer's pictureSteve McAtee

Our Son Jack

Updated: May 6, 2020

Today March 25th, Easter 2016, marks 598 days since Jack’s disappearance into the Colorado wilderness from Frisco, Colorado on September 19, 2014 – 171 days since Jack’s skull was found on Peak One on the Ten Mile Range stretching south from Frisco.

Our hearts brim with gratitude for the love from so many, the throngs of you that joined hands with our family during this entire time. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Nearly 75,000 people from around the world connected to this site and followed our family’s search for a son and brother we all cherish. Continual readership at this site is as a result of the multiple digital news articles published around the world that lead peple here. (If this is your first visit, see the “About” tab above-read the story, then come back.)

Though at times there are dark shrouds of sadness that periodically descend upon us, we also see a bright light of joy – experiencing first hand how God is bringing beauty out of the ashes with Jack’s Life and his story because of hundreds that came forward to donate to Living Water International in Memory of Jack - this heals our hearts. Thank you. We have now exceeded our initial goal of $50,000 and the donations continue to come in at We will continue to build additional wells in Jack's name thru Living Water International in Kenya for as long as the donations continue to flow in. Of vital importance in order to accomplish this, we are humbly asking each of you to share this on your Facebook page and ask your friends to do the same to extend this message of hope to a hurting world.  Our loving God has brought beauty out of the ashes.

The legacy of a champion for the Lord.

The first two wells are already up and running in the Kenyan villages of Mulele and Mbihi located in far western Kenya near Lake Victoria. In all, between the two wells already built a total of 965 families have received the gift of clean water.

Secondary students celebrate safe water at the well site!

The full story of each of these wells, the communities they serve, and the multitudes of villagers that were blessed with the good news of Jesus can be found below in the files from Living Water International that provide full reports for each of the two wells already built.

This excerpt from the Mulele Village report attached: “It was during this time that the opportunity to receive life was fully presented. When the students participated in the storytelling, eyes were opened to what it means to live life for Christ. In all, life was changed for 456 students and 466 families through the provision of safe water and the offer of salvation through the “living water”—Jesus Christ. Thank you, family of Jack McAtee, for giving in honor of his memory. Truly your donation that has allowed healing for both the body and the spirit of this once-thirsty community. Thank you.”

Safe water was given to the people of Mulele in Jesus' name!

This excerpt from the Mbihi village report attatched - "What impacted the 449-family village and 414-student secondary school immeasurably was for them to learn that life was restored to their village to honor the life of another. Thank you, loved ones of Jack, for choosing to honor his memory by restoring life, love, and eternal hope for Kenya’s thirsty. Thank you for showing this village one of the Lord’s greatest commandments—love.”

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

A close up picture of the plaque that was secured to the well base.

Jack McAtee

The full story of each of these wells, the communities they serve, and the multitudes of villagers that were blessed with the good news of Jesus can be found below in the files from Living Water International that provide full reports for each of the two wells already built.

Jack is doing better now than all of us by far. He is with the Lord. He has graduated from this earth and is experiencing more freedom, more love, and more joy than we could ever imagine. Jack understood that God loved him, that Jesus died for him, and that this life is not the end. This is the message of a life who understood the power and the hope of the gospel. A life of adventure, a life of struggle, a life redeemed, and now a life fully restored. He was once lost, but now Jack is found. All of this, thanks to a very loving God, that gave up his only son Jesus for our sins so that our son and brother Jack could have life.  This same promise is true for you.  Jack would always be the one to say something like "come to know Jesus, and you will have life.  After all, he paid the ultimate price just so he could have us over to his place for eternity"

“If there is hope for me, there is hope for you.”

He Has Risen.

He Has Risen Indeed.

With much love,

The McAtee Family

Ellen, Steve, Megan, Jason, Sam, Katherine, and Ali

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